Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Apple Goat Cheese Spinach Salad

I am a huge advocate of brown bagging lunch. Not only do you save money over the course of a year, but if you pack correctly, you can save tons of calories and unwanted sodium. I lug a huge black lunchbox to work everyday. It was a college graduation gift embroidered with my name (is it a fashion statement? Absolutely not!) but it's large and it fits all of my meals and snacks for the day. I bring these items (with a few small tweaks depending on the season) every day to work: homemade granola, greek yogurt, salad, homemade whole wheat rolls, nuts, and two or three pieces of whole fruit. This combination of fresh, nutritious foods keeps me happy by keeping my blood sugar steady and energy level through the roof.

I found a wonderful Martha Stewart salad contraption that has a small container for dressing (nothing beats a vinaigrette of good olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and salt/pepper). The great thing about salads is you can add anything that you like so be creative, just make sure you add some protein (beans, nuts, cheese, lean meats, or eggs) and good fats (avocado, olive oil) to void off hunger pangs an hour after lunch. One of my favorite salads is an Apple Goat Cheese Spinach Salad.

Apple Goat Cheese Spinach Salad

2 cups spinach
2 whole carrots (I prefer the taste of whole carrots over baby carrots)
2 ribs of celery
1/2 red bell pepper
1/4 cup goat cheese
1/4 cup pecans (unsalted)
1 apple (pink lady or galas are my favorite)

Bring whole apple to work and cut it up right before you dine to prevent browning (or spritz with lemon juice before adding to salad).
Bring pecans and dressing in separate containers to prevent salad from getting mushy.

1 comment:

  1. yum. you just inspired my lunch tomorrow! actually i'm making ham and white bean soup right now too to freeze and pack for lunches. you rock at blogging, btw.
