Sunday, August 21, 2011

Regional Engagement---Part 1

Week one of the new job was great! I was welcomed with open arms by the Office of Engagement while we hosted the UVaExpress, coordinated transportation for First Year international students from Dulles airport to Alumni Hall at UVa. I spent the first morning helping students get oriented to their surroundings and spent the afternoon on the bus picking up a group from the airport.  I rode up to DC with two Second Year students from China who were helping with the event, and rode back with students from China, India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and Singapore. Stephen, one of the students from a small city outside of Shanghai, spent the entire 2 hour ride peering out the window with a smile from ear-to-ear. "Carrie--beautiful mountains", he said while pointing to the Blue Ridge Mountains to the east. His enthusiasm and smile made my entire day worthwhile.

Tuesday and Wednesday was spent at Alumni Hall unloading luggage, pointing out important landmarks (where to go for an ID card, bank account, and cell phone), and chatting with the newest members of our community. I was on a natural high all day and had a spectacular time at the International Student and Parents Dinner where Blake and I met a fascinating (and extremely nice) father/son duo from the United Kingdom. Thursday and Friday provided my first glimpse into life in the office. I have a window (which is a huge bonus) but it is much quieter than my desk at Darden, where I would welcome dozens (if not hundreds) of people everyday...this will take an adjustment and I am missing my Darden family terribly. Luckily, Everette and company invited Blake and I to join them for Happy Hour on Thursday so I recieved many hugs and a much needed confidence boost from great friends!

The weekend was glorious as I revelved in Charlottesville culture: Fridays After Five, Beer Run with  our friend Jerry, Bikram Yoga, trips to local foodie shops, date night with Blake, and a Sunday afternoon wine tasting at Pollack Vineyards in Crozet. This week brings much excitment as I gain more insight into my first UVaClubs (Charlotte, Triangle, Coastal Carolinas, Winston-Salem, and Greensboro), learn more about the Development and Public Affairs community, and anticipate the arrival of our good friends, Colin and Kristen, who will be visiting from New York City.

I am very thankful for this new challenge. As I have been reminded many times this week, change is extremely difficult but it is the only way we can grow and truly become our best selves.

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