Saturday, January 22, 2011

Family Dinner

One of my very favorite things in life is sitting down to a nice family style dinner with the people I love most. In my family, we had dinner together every night and it was a wonderful time to reflect on our days and share funny stories. Plus, my mom is a fantastic cook! I have the fondest memories of my family around the dinner table and I love going home to visit....Happy Hour starts at 5:00 PM and dinner follows whenever Mom and I get around to it. Did I mention that my mom is a brewer and makes my favorite beer of all time, Pumpkin Porter! 

When I lived at Kappa Delta, family style dinner was on Thursday nights (I fondly remember eating my weight in bread and cheese and have no regrets). My friends and I had really fun traditions like crazy hats and dressing like Miss Linda (our house mom).

Tonight I had the pleasure of dining with some of my very best friends: Kate, Shane, Katherine, Joe, Andy, and Blake. Kate and Shane have a gorgeous house in Keswick and made a delicious meal of chicken potpie, rice, salad, homemade biscuits, and incredible molasses cake. We spent the evening chatting, gogling over the new baby room (Kate and Shane are expecting their first child on June 6), and having a wonderful time playing Settlers of Catan. What a wonderful evening! 

I know life can be very busy but remember that people are the most important part of it. We have a tendency to get on the hamster wheel and go faster, faster, faster but it doesn't matter if we have no one to share our successes with. 

This week, I challenge you to set the table, invite some friends or family, cook a nice healthy meal (watch the blog for some healthy recipes) and spend an evening together! I think you will have a truly memorable experience!