Friday, January 21, 2011

Happiness Part I

This has been such an exciting week and many events have made me smile.

1. Learning Something New

The students at Darden are holding their annual SHE Auction in February to raise money for the Shelter for Help in Emergency and they have added a new event this year, Dancing with the Darden Stars. I was approached to be one of the "stars" so I am paired up to perform with a Second Year student. Dave and I began our lessons last weekend and are busy working on our moves, preparing costumes, and enjoying learning Triple Step Swing. Tune in for more updates (so far we know a total of three dance moves and have  20 seconds of content....only 70 seconds to go.)

2. New Friends

In December, I wrote an e-mail to the Volunteer Director of the PB&J Fund, a wonderful non-profit in town whose mission is to get healthy food to children in the community. I was excited by the cause because the obesity epidemic in our country is out of control and I want to do my part to help combat it. Little did I know that an amazing friendship would emerge. Emily met me at Darden for lunch and we began discussing how Darden and PB&J could partner for future events. We have since done two projects at Darden including stuffing bags of healthy food for kids (who are on free and reduced lunch) to have over the holiday break and creating beautiful jars of cookie mix for kids at the Boys & Girls Club to give to their families as gifts. I am now volunteering twice a month with her at the Boys & Girls Club and we are teaching a cooking class to 4th-6th graders. They are pretty wild but I am having so much fun!

On Wednesday, Emily and I went on a double date with our husbands to Bizou for a delicious dinner and delightful conversations. I think we are kindred spirits and I cannot wait until next Wednesday when we teach our cooking class again!

3. Finding a Great Sale

Disclaimer: I am not a huge shopper! In fact, I really don't like spending money unless it's on food or travel (or both, which is even better) but I had giftcards for White House Black Market and Loft (thank you Christina and Barbara for the birthday gifts). I walked down to Barracks Road after work on Wednesday and found some incredible deals. I am now the proud owner of some sassy peep toed pink pumps ($30), a pink and black skirt ($11), and a delightfully warm bright pink sweater ($15). What can I say, I love a good sale and pink!

4. Book Club

I joined a book club with my beautiful neighbor, Katherine, last year and have been having a blast! We have read some incredible books including The Help, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society,  and In A Sanctuary of Outcasts. For this book club, we read These is My Words which highlights the life of a very strong woman in the Southwest at the end of the 1800s. It was a fantastic, quick read and I highly recommend it. Katherine hosted and I helped cook. My Pork Carnitas were a big hit and a very easy recipe that I would love for you to steal!

Here is the recipe:
1 pork tenderloin
1-12 oz jar of Salsa Verde (I highly recommend homemade or Whole Foods 365 Brand)
1 onion

Put in the crockpot and cook on low for 7 hours

Enjoy in tacos or over brown rice!


  1. WOnderful blog and such great stories! Will have to try the recipe!

  2. Love the optimism! And love being in bookclub with you too! :)
